Wednesday, 29 January 2014

My Identity.

These pieces were for a project about identity. I chose to show my personality through my appearance through these two pieces. I created different backgrounds and then added my portrait by drawing on top of the backgrounds with a black biro.
Materials used, collaged backgrounds and Biro.
Size of each A4

Self Portrait.

This was created for a self portrait project using fine liner and different lines to create different tones, inspired by Josh Bryan.
Materials used fine liner.
Size A4.

Chilli's In Biro.

This piece was from an observational drawing project in which I drew Chilli's. I started off by line drawings then developed further by using Biro to created more depth and detail within the chilli's.
Materials used, Biro.
Size A3.

Family Portraits.

For these pieces I chose to photograph family members and then drew their portraits on wood this was for a project about edge lands at the Bluecoat Gallery in Liverpool. I aimed to show the similarities and differences between generations.
Materials used, pencil and wood.
Size of each A4.

Memory Palace.

This piece was inspired by the exhibition Memory Palace. I have created a collaged background from different events within my life. Printed images onto acetate and cut out circles which I overlaid on top of one another. I then used thread to represent how the memories all link together.
Materials used, thread, collaged backgrounds, acetate within photographs on.
Size A3.

Butcher Beynon.

For this piece I chose to illustrate a character from Undermilk wood Butcher Beynon I used fine liner and bleach to create the piece.
Materials used, bleach, fine liner and a book page.
Size A5.

Woodcut Cd Cover.

This was created using a section of a woodcut. With pastel background colours culminating in a design for a Cd cover.
Size 12cm x 12cm.


For this project I was asked to give a positive spin on 'It always rains in the UK'. I chose to illustrate a festival because in a festival if it rains it is still possible to have a good time. I took inspiration from Jack Teagle and developed these pieces by making my own illustrations. Adding imagery on top to create these playful pieces.

Materials used, fine liner and a photograph.
Size all A4.



Under Milk Wood Cover.

To create this piece I have used my previous cut outs of animals. I added typography to the piece and using the grid system within Photoshop. I was inspired by Andy Warhol.
Materials used, paper cut outs.
Size A4.

Undermilk wood Cover.

For this piece I have used my previous development work then used Photoshop skills to change the colours. I have added typography to match the style of the illustration and created this subtle piece.
Materials used, paper cut out.
Size A4.

Characters For Undermilk Wood.

For these pieces I have chosen to illustrate the book Undermilk Wood. I looked upon different characters in the book Undermilk Wood. I portrayed different animals that were mentioned. I then thought about a different approach such as cutting stencils out creating these animalistic silhouettes.
Materials used, Paper cut outs.
Size all together around A4.


To create these pieces I took a photograph of my eye which I then cut out of lino to create this print. I then collaged, flicked paint and used different papers to create these interesting images. These were used for a self portrait series.
Materials used, lino, collaged backgrounds and watercolour.
Size of each piece A5.

CD Cover.

For this piece I have created a design for a woodcut. Printed on to different backgrounds and then adding typography to create a CD cover for the band.
Materials used, woodcut print and collaged background.
Size: 12cm x 12cm.

Street Photography.

These Images were taken for a Street photography project taken within Liverpool. In which I set out to find people within the public adopting different interesting poses.
Photographs, size A5.

The Water Babies

For this piece I have chose the story of The Water Babies as the previous work is slightly dated and I thought it would be a great piece to illustrate. For this piece I have used a mono print technique and also used image transfer and merged the two together to create this piece. Then added typography I thought worked best with the illustration.
Materials I used was a mono print technique and image transfer. 
Size A5.


To create these pieces I listened to different types of music. I used a range of songs and matched different colours to emotions I felt. For example red and black to show anger and danger, then by making different marks and textures I represented various emotions and thoughts.
Materials I used, watercolour, oil pastels and fine liner.
Sizes all together A3.


To create this piece I used a tooth pick and acrylic paint and then scratched into the paper to create a drawing of my eye. I then created some typography to add on top to show the piece is about my identity e.g. my name, age, and appearance.
Materials used to create the piece, acrylic paint, size A4.

Cyber Bullying Poster.

An illustration I created to promote a TV series about cyber bullying. I illustrated the characters and then created a poster that would be used to promote the show, inspired by Stanely Donwood .
Illustration using fine liner, size A4.

Magazine Collage

For this piece I have been inspired by the artist Eduardo Recife and have collaged various materials adding my own typography and own imagery.
Collaged materials, A4 in size.